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Sant Carles de la Rapita is a town in the area of the Montsia in Catalonia, Spain.
The town covers a portion of the south-west of the Ebre delta, including el Trabucador Isthmus and La Banya peninsula, which close off a salt water lagoon known as the Port dels Alfacs.
The town of Sant Carles de la Rapita is situated on the coast near the mouth of the lagoon. It was founded by Charles III of Spain as a port to serve trade with the Spanish colonies and constructed in the neo-classical style of the period. However, much of the town remained incompleted after Charles' death.
Sant Carles de la Rapita is part of the Taula del Senia free association of municipalities. It is known for the production of rice and salt and is also an important fishing port, particularly for shellfish and prawns. It is also considered a tourist centre. In the last few years, the town has suffered a huge urban development due to the construction of many apartments and residential buildings.
The town now hosts two large marinas, a beach, a market and many shops and restaurants. It is attractive because of its good sunny weather and draws an increasing number of tourists each summer.
While cruises are available year round the main season is from March to October to take advantage of the longer days and warmer weather. Weather during the cruise season is warm to hot and the days are long and generally sunny. Most rain in the region falls in the winter months.
General Information:
Population: 15,583 (2010)
Language: Spanish
Currency: Euro
Time Zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours
Dial Code: +34