Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Isla Angel de la Guarda is the second largest of the Midriff Islands a group of eleven islands located along the eastern shore of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Tiburon Island is located opposite and is the largest of the Midriff islands.
Isla Angel de la Guarda is presently uninhabited and is a biological reserve called Angel de la Guarda National Park. The island is very dry and has a chain of mountains which runs along its length.
Things to see and do
* Plants & animal life
General Information
Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Mexican Peso ($)
Language – Spanish
Land Area – 931 km²
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style or with a round pin below
Time – GMT minus six hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 52
Travel Links – Much of the island is inaccessible due to mountains at or near the shore, especially on the west coast.