Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Peril Strait or Háat Ishkáak is a strait in the Alexander Archipelago in southeastern Alaska. It is between Chichagof Island to its north and Baranof Island and Catherine Island to its south. The strait is 80 km (50 mi) long and reaches from Salisbury Sound on the west to the Chatham Strait on the east. It is entirely within the limits of the City and Borough of Sitka.
Visits to Sitka requires a long detour through the treacherous but very scenic, Peril Strait.
Things to See & Do
* Bird watching
* Wildlife watching
General information
Cruise Season – May - September
Currency - United States Dollar (USD)
Language – English
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style or with a round pin below
Time - GMT minus 10
International Country Telephone Code – 1
Port Location – There is a port located at Sitka.
Transport Links - Peril Strait can be accessed by boat from Sitka Island.