Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
The Balleh (Baleh) River is one of the main tributaries of the Rajang River, in Sarawak, Malaysia. Along the river a number of logging camps and fine new long houses can be seen. Logging is strictly controlled by the Sarawak government, who have a strict replanting program. Tourists can visit a logging camp and stop overnight at Nagamujong village with its long house, school, clinic and church. Visitors will also see loading points for coal coming from mines deep in the jungle.
Things to See & Do
* Logging camps
* Nagamujong village
* Coal loading points
General information
Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency - Ringgit (RM) (MYR)
Language – Bahasa Malaysia, English
Electricity – 2 vertical Square pins and one perpendicular below British style
Time - GMT plus eight hours
International Country Telephone Code – +60
Port Location – Cruises along the Baleh river depart from the port at Sibu.
Travel Links – Baleh river is only accessible by boat from Sibu (3 hours), or light aircraft.