Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Thomas Bay is located in southeast Alaska. It lies northeast of Petersburg, Alaska and the Baird Glacier drains into the bay. Thomas Bay is known for being rich in gold and quartz. The wildlife includes moose, brown bears, black bears, squirrels, wolves, rabbits, and other common Alaskan creatures. The land has been used for logging.
Things to See & Do
* Baird Glacier Trail
* Kayaking
* LeConte Glacier
* Cascade Creek Trail
General information
Cruise Season – May - September
Currency - United States Dollar (USD)
Language – English
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style or with a round pin below
Time - GMT minus 10
International Country Telephone Code – 1
Transport Links – Thomas Bay is accessible from Juneau.