Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Vik is an old Viking settlement and an early religious center. For such a small community, the parish here has three churches including the Hopperstad Stave church built in 1130AD which has magnificent carvings - a tradition of rich ornamentation that goes back to the Viking age. The Hove Stone church was also built in early 1100. There are also over 100 burial sites. Vik is also home to the Kristianhus Boat and Engine Collection
General information
Cruise Season – Feb to Dec
Currency - Norwegian Krone (NOK)
Language - Norwegian
Land Area – Norway 324,220 sq km
Population – 500
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT/UTC plus one hour
International Country Telephone Code – +47
Port Location – Vik Port is located in downtown Vik.