Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Prince of Wales Strait is a strait in the Northwest Territories of Canada separating Banks Island to the northwest from Victoria Island to the southeast.
From late winter it is filled by ice that usually does not break up until August. Its namesake, Prince of Wales Island, lies over two-hundred miles to the southeast. The strait is an alternative route for the Northwest Passage, a sea route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Things to See & Do
* Arctic scenery
* Marine life
General Information
Cruise Season - May - Oct
Currency - Canadian dollar ($) (CAD)
Language - Inuit Language (Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun), English, French
Population - 0
Electricity - 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT minus four hours
International Country Telephone Code - +709