Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Carloforte is a fishing and resort town of located on Isola di San Pietro (Saint Peter's Island), approximately 7 km off the South Western Coast of Sardinia, Italy.
Excellent beaches, both rocky and sandy, line the coast of the island. Some of the cliff-top views are nothing short of spectacular. On the other side of the island from Carloforte is a functioning lighthouse (Capo Sandalo Lighthouse, now automated), locally known simply as 'il faro' and whose structure dates back to the 1880s.
Several boat chartering, diving, and tourist businesses are based in Carloforte. They can be found along its waterfront. The town also offers excellent dining.
Things to See & Do
* Waterfront area
* Beaches
* Capo Sandalo Lighthouse
* Diving
General information
Cruise Season – Feb to Dec
Currency - Euro (€)
Language – Italian
Land Area – 50.24 km²
Population –8,000 approx
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT/UTC plus one hour
International Country Telephone Code – +39
Port Location – The port is located in the downtown area of Carloforte.
Travel Links – Frequent (hourly) ferry services connect the recently expanded port of Carloforte with the Sardinian mainland at Portovesme as well as Calasetta, a similar fishing port on Sant'Antioco Island. The journey takes approximately 35 minutes.