Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Palau is located in a fork of the northern coast of Sardinia, Italy. It is one of the most spectacular and noteworthy seaside towns in Gallura which borders the Emerald Coast. Its coastline offers a variety of golfi, dream-like bays, uncontaminatedspiagge and small rocky islands that emerge from a crystal-clear sea teaming with life.
Palau's artistically shaped coastlines are sculpted by the wind that generates a wide variety of shapes and forms in its rocks. The most famous is that of dell'Orso. Over thousands of years, the atmospheric agents have amazingly transformed this rock to unmistakably appear like a bear.
Things to See & Do
* Palazzo Fresi
* Beach of Punta Nera
* Church of Madonna delle Grazie
* The Giants Tombs
* Beaches of Sciumara, Punta Sardegna, Cala di Trana and Porto Pollo
General information
Cruise Season – Feb to Dec
Currency - Euro (€)
Language – Italian
Land Area – 44 km²
Population – 3,169 approx.
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT/UTC + one hour
International Country Telephone Code – +39
Port Location – The port is located in Palau itself, within walking distance of the town centre.
Travel Links – The nearest airport is located at Olbia about 40 km’s from Palau. There are daily flights to and from the mainland and other European destinations. Ferries travel to and from Corsica and the archipelago of La Maddalena.
The Trenino Verde (green train) is available for touring the more inaccessible parts of the island.