Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Nain is the northernmost town in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, located about 370 kilometres by air from Happy Valley-Goose Bay. It situated on the north side of Unity Bay, a small inlet. The bay is open to the Atlantic Ocean but Nain's harbour is protected by numerous islands, the largest of which is Paul's Island. From Nain to the open Labrador Sea is approximately 50 km east through Strathcona Run.
Most of the 1000 residents living in Nain are Inuit, whose ancestors have lived in the area for 7000 years. The Inuit practice a traditional lifestyle that is virtually unchanged from that of their ancestors. The Nain School Museum contains a collection of Inuit and Moravian artifacts from that area. A large fish processing plant dominates the waterfront, with the Moravian Chuch standing out in the background. The Torngasok Cultural Centre exhibits local carvings, and Inuktitut, the ancient language of the Inuit, continues to be spoken by the elders. Hunting and fishing still form the basic economy as evidenced by the lines of drying Arctic char and trout, or by bear, seal and caribou skins tacked to sides of buildings or stretched on frames to dry.
Things to see and do
* Nain School Museum
* Moravian church
* Torngasok Cultural Centre
* Purchase local crafts
General Information
Cruise Season – May - Nov
Currency – Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Language – English, French
Population – 1,040 approx
Land Area – 94.58 km²
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins US style or with a round pin below
Time – GMT minus four hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 1
Travel Links - Nain is inaccessible by road and may be reached only by air or sea. Flights to Nain are at Nain Airport, and are available from Happy Valley-Goose Bay on Air Labrador and Provincial Airlines.
Between mid-June and mid-November (pending ice conditions), there is also a ferry service operated by the Newfoundland and Labrador Government. The ferry boat is the M/V Northern Ranger and provides weekly service from Goose Bay along the Atlantic Coast, with stops in Rigolet, Makkovik, Postville, Hopedale and Natuashish. Nain is the northernmost stop on the route; the ferry stays docked at Nain for about three hours before beginning its southbound route.