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Imperia is a city and comune in the region of Liguria, Italy. Imperia consists of the two historical districts and Oneglia, divided by the River Impero, which gives the city its name.
Porto Maurizio is situated on a peninsula to the west of the river, stretching along the coastline. It is the more colourful and wealthy district of the city, threaded by narrow lanes known as carrugi, and its economy centres around the tourist industry.
Oneglia lies on an alluvial plane to the east of the Impero, and with its working port is the more modern and industrial of the two districts. At its centre lies, from which radiate some of the principal roads of the city.
Things to See & Do
* The classical Cathedral of San Maurizio
* Old Town of Porto Maurizio, called Parasio
* Convent of Santa Chiara
* Museo dell' Olivo (The Olive Tree Museum)
* Dante Square
General information
Cruise Season – Feb to Dec
Currency - Euro (€)
Language – Italian
Land Area – 45.26 km²
Population – 45,000
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT/UTC + one hour
International Country Telephone Code – 39
Port Location - The port is located in Oneglia.
Travel Links – Roads and trains run the length of the coast, linking the Riviere with France and the rest of Italy. There is an international airport at Genoa and a regional airport at Villa nuova di Albenga.