Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Berching is a historical town located in the district of Neumarkt in Bavaria, Germany. With a fully preserved town wall and low streamlet, it is situated on the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, 20 km south of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.
The first settlement in Berching was registered in 883, making it more than 1100 years old. The old city or altstadt is surrounded by a large wall interspaced with towers. One of the towers has been converted into a 6-story apartment. A small inn called the Blaue Traube is also located in the city center.
Things to See & Do
* Old town
* Abbey Plankstetten
* Blaue Traube – small in
General Information
Cruise Season – March to Dec
Currency – Euro (€) (EUR)
Language – German
Land Area – 131.18 km²
Population – 8,600 approx.
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT/UTC plus one hour
International Country Telephone Code – + 49
Travel Links – Berching is accessible by regional bus lines from Neumarkt and Dietfurt.