Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Nome is a city located on the southern Seward Peninsula coast on Norton Sound of the Bering Sea. It is in the Nome Census Area of the U.S. state of Alaska. The city is the commercial hub of northwestern Alaska, as well as the site for the finish of the 1049-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race from Anchorage each March.
Nome offers colourful restaurants and shops which line Front Street, opportunities for shopping for native arts and crafts, historical walking tours and a variety of outdoor activities.
Things to See & Do
* Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum
* Gold panning
* Shopping for native arts & crafts
* Northern lights
* Historical walking tour of Nome
General information
Cruise Season – May - September
Currency - US Dollar (USD)
Language - English
Land Area – 32.5 sq km’s
Population – 4,000 approx
Electricity – 110 vlt 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style or with a round pin below
Time - GMT minus nine hours
International Country Telephone Code – +1
Port Location – The port of Nome is located on the southern side of the Seward Peninsula in Norton Sound.
Transport Links – The Nome Airport services Nome. There are small roads to communities up to 87 miles from Nome. There is no road connection to the major cities of Alaska.