Level 4, 66 Wyndham Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Berkeley River is a river in the Kimberley of Western Australia. The river flows for 135km to the Timor Sea via the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf near Reveley Island and Cape St Lambert.
The river rises from the Tadrida Scarp and flows in a north easterly direction through the Drysdale River National Park and the Oombulgarri Indigenous Reserve before discharging into the Timor Sea. The river has two tributaries the De Lancourt River and Casuarina Creek.
Things to See and Do
* Waterfalls
* Birdlife
* Crocodiles
* Fishing
* Mudcrabbing
General Information
Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Australian Dollar (AUD$)
Language – English
Electricity – 2 angled pins and 1 flat pin centred below Australian style
Time – GMT plus eight hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 61
Port Location – There are ports located at Broome and Wyndham. In Broome the port is located at the southern tip of the Broome peninsula, just 10km from the town.
Transport Links – Qantas, AirNorth and Virgin Blue offer flights from Perth, Darwin and Kununurra.
Broome is also accessible by bus from Perth and Darwin.